How Do I Get Started as a VA?

I get asked this question a lot, from a whole range of different folks.  Some are friends or past acquaintances of mine, others are friends of friends, and others have found me on their own. I actually love chatting with folks about how I got started and giving them...

GoToMeeting ~ My Review

Believe it or not I actually heard about GoToMeeting on the Howard Stearn Show on Sirius Radio! Of course I had heard about it before as well, but I hadn’t really paid that much attention to it.  But, with Howard’s smooth, convincing voice and a search for...

Online Scheduling Programs

I’ve talked in previous posts about Tungle and how generally awesome it is, and now I have another online scheduling program that I’ve been looking at: TimeTrade (formerly known as TimeDriver). I’ve been looking for a solution for a client that wants...

Affiliate Programs & Ethics for VAs

It’s common practice for a VA to be a member of various affiliate programs, and rightly so.  We find this and that awesome product that works really well and we recommend it to lots of people, so why not become an affiliate and earn some revenue? That’s...