What the Heck is Value Pricing?

by Oct 19, 2018For VA's, Tips & Tricks0 comments

If you’ve heard the term “Value Pricing” lately in the VA world and you’re not sure what it is, here’s the lowdown:

Think of it as a package for your peace of mind. What is your peace of mind worth to you? Do you want to know that you work is being done by experts, with the highest quality possible? Do you want to be able to delegate and not worry about whether it’s getting done or not? Do you want to feel taken care of, to know that someone has your back and is ready to work with you when you need it? Do you want to work with folks who are consistent and dependable?

All of these qualities are embodied by those of us that use the Value Pricing model. You essentially pair up with a VA that you can trust, and they take care of your needs for an agreed upon price per month. No more wondering how long a given task will take or how much your bill is going to be each month, it’s all laid out for you. You get access to the experts, you save yourself time and hassle, and as a result your business thrives.

So yes, that’s why it’s called a Value Pricing model – indeed!