Dragon Dictate ~ My Review

Since the MacSpeech Scribe attempts were not successful as far as transcription goes, I decided to try out a different type of voice-recognition called Dragon Dictate. Dragon Dictate is not really for transcription, but it’s super cool in many  other ways.  All...

MacSpeech Scribe ~ My Review

I recently decided to try out MacSpeech Scribe – it’s a program that will take a recording and transcribe it for you. It sounded pretty simple but it turns out it wasn’t the best, and here’s why: Only one speaker can be in the recording at a...

An Introvert and Proud of It!

I was recently sent a link to an amazing lady/book/presentation on the Power of Introverts by Susan Cain (thank you to my sweetie for thinking of me). I was very moved by it, it seemed like she was talking about me to a tee, so I thought I’d share it again here...

C’Mon Spring!

Well, it turns out it’s the same as last year and the moment my sweetie leaves the property anytime in February then the snow hits! And same as last year, it was looking like Spring already – stuff was melting like crazy, we could actually see the snow...