Balancing Work At Home

For those of us who work at home there are some unique challenges that we need to overcome. It can be difficult, particularly in the beginning, to define a workday in your home office. What time should it start and end? How will my family know when I’m working?...

Don’t Fret If You Lose A Client

It can be unsettling when you first find out that one of your clients is going to no longer need you. Now, don’t let the title of this post fool you; there are indeed times when you need to take a good hard look at why you’ve lost a particular client...

What the Heck Do I Write About?

For those of us that are not natural writers it may be a bit daunting to start up your own blog, especially a business blog.  The fear sets in – what the heck do I write about? As an “unnatural” writer, so to speak, I’m here to tell you that...