My Brighid

Speaking of my Brighid in the last post, I couldn’t resist adding a little something more about her.

Brighid was my favourite chicken, she was the most social little girl, she always said hello and ran over, she’d sit on my lap chattering away, she was everything that I had hoped that chicken-keeping would be and more.  She had such a fabulous personality and could be such a goof!

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Officially a Lady

I did it!  I bought my 100 square foot plot this morning – I am officially now a Lady.  Sweet!

For anyone who has no idea what the heck I’m talking about, I’ve purchased a plot of land in Scotland that is 100sqft in size from, and with it comes the official title of Lady Sarah MacGregor of Glencoe.

I’ve decided I’m going to use this blog in my pursuit of learning about my Scottish heritage, and purchasing my very own “estate” in Scotland is just the beginning, a landing point if you will.  From here I want to learn everything I possibly can about all things Scotland and how they relate to me, my thoughts on them, and any other bits and bobs that I am passionate about and deem worthy of sharing.

Like the title says, this blog will be the Life and Passions of Lady Sarah MacGregor (that’s me!) of Glencoe.  Sounds a bit like the title of a romance novel!  Ha!