Turns Out I Suck

Aw man, I was so excited that I was getting to the end of the first unit in our Gaelic course with Rosetta stone that I think I breezed through it a little bit fast.  That plus the fact that the last section was huge and I did part of it one night and the other part a couple weeks later – it’s so hard to remember stuff when a unit is broken up like that!

Well, I got to the end of the entire Unit 1, and turns out there is a little real-life scenario that I get to do – it lays out a scene picture by picture, and then folks say stuff and I have to say stuff back.  I totally bombed!!!!  I think I only got one part right.  *Big Sigh*

I’ve decided to go back and do that last section all in one fell swoop, like it should be done, and that plus the repetition should do me just fine and dandy.

I’m a smart gal, I can do these things no problem as long as I have a system that works – complete units done all in one go and no more gaps of weeks at a time!  Now that all of our visitors have left it should be easier to do.

Wish me luck!

Help Me Help My Best Friend Tamar

My dear friend Tamar’s ex-husband is trying to get joint custody of their kids even though he has admitted to abusing their baby son (that’s why he’s an ex), he has a no-contact order against him and he is on the child abuse registry.

Her legal fees are piling up and her lawyer cannot help her fight this latest court battle that he and his family continue to hit her with until she can pay her legal fees, and all this while she is working and supporting her children as a single mom.  To top it off he won’t sign the paper that says he is paying her any support, therefore it doesn’t count as income, and she can’t now secure a loan for this latest court escapade.

Tamar is the most brave and wonderful person you will ever meet, it’s ridiculous that she has to continue to deal with this man’s nonsense and abuse. Any little bit that folks can help out with will make a difference.  Her children deserve to be safe and happy with their mom!

Click below to go to our official page and please pass the word on…

I’m Melting! But the Showers are Awesome

We’ve had temperatures in the 30’s this past little while (that’s Celcius of course) and whew!  Am I melting!

Don’t get me wrong, I love it when it’s hot, and so far I’ve only had one day where it crossed the line into too darn hot, I had a headache, I was cranky, etc. etc. – I think it was 38 degrees that day.  Otherwise it’s just a matter of planning when the fan comes on and strategically eating cold foods or cooking outside.

But one of the great things about this kind of weather is the showers – I have an outdoor shower and it uses one of those solar bags that you hang up and it gets heated up during the day.  If I wait until around 6-ish in the evening then the water is a lovely temperature and it’s actually a bit cooling without being so cold as jumping in the river!  That’s way too cold for me, but my sweetie loves it.  It has to be done around 6-ish though, because today I went in just after 5 and the water was hot!  Almost too hot if you can believe it, but solar heat is the best I suppose.

And, the shower hangs in the middle of this snail-shell structure that Damian and I built so that no stupid trespassing neighbours can catch me in the buff (this almost happened last year), and it also works as a handy dandy place to hang my clothes and towel.

Do I live in the best place or what!?!?

The Evil Cthulhu Is Here!

He’s done at long last! The Dreaded Cthulhu!!!

Actually he didn’t take that long to make, I had just spread it out over time. The idea came from Martin, my bro-in-law (who just so happens to create wicked comics called Foreign Matter) when we had done a Skype call and I showed him something I had just finished felting. I think he suggested Cthulhu as a joke, but once I looked up the pictures it was a challenge I couldn’t pass up!

For those of you that don’t know anything about Cthulhu, here’s a bit of info for you: Cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity created by H.P. Lovecraft, and he’s apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at a subconscious level; He’s part Octopus, Dragon, and Human and to even look upon his form may cost you your sanity! Cthulhu had once ruled the Earth, and apparently will do so again. Ooooooo, scary!

Anyways, like I said it’s been a while since I started my creation so I think Martin’s forgotten all about it, so I’m going to surprise him with the finished product when he comes to visit this month. Surprise! An evil Cthulhu just for you Marty!

Cthulhu 3 Cthulhu Close Up Cthulhu 1 Cthulhu 2

I so love felting, I can make pretty much anything!