How on Earth Did I Become the Owner of a Scottish Estate?

I’m guessing that this is the next question on everyone’s mind: How the heck did this happen?  How did it come about that I, Sarah MacGregor, Canadian citizen, was able to become a Scottish land owner?

Well it was a complete fluke, I must be honest.  At least the beginning was anyways.

I was on Facebook during one of my brief visits, uploading a photo of my newly felted version of my favourite chicken Brighid who sadly died a few weeks ago.  Feeling a little down, something on the sidebar caught my eye – it looked like one of those funny blurbs that speaks in broad Scots and I thought I could use a laugh, let’s have a boo.  When I clicked on the text it took me to the Highland Titles website, and the rest is history.

Those of you who know me well know how freakishly bizarre and unlikely this little event was – I’m rarely on Facebook, usually just for work when I’m testing something out for a client on my own profile first to make sure it works.  The chances of me actually seeing (with my bad eyes) and actually bothering to click on something random are quite incredible.

But it was meant to be!  As soon as I started reading what Highland Titles was all about I was hooked, I got very excited and started phoning everyone in my family, and when I was describing it all to my sweetie I actually got a little teary.  Why?  Because I could be a part of my own heritage, I could help to save a small part of heaven.  The fact that I get to be a Lady seemed like it was just a fun bonus (at first, more on that topic later).

So there you have it – it was Destiny with a capital D!

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