Where Are You Gav?

I’ve always wondered what happened to my old flame, Gavin McRae – it was the two of us that went to Scotland as well as his home just north of Manchester.

Gav was a riot to be around, maybe sometimes a bit too wild for me, but we had some good times for sure.  He had been working in Africa before we met and then when he was traveling in Canada he met a friend of mine in Toronto.  She called me up as he was leaving to head West, and she said she was sending him my way so he had someone to contact once he got to the west coast (I was living in Vancouver at the time).

He eventually showed up and we hit it off right away.  I took him home for Christmas so he wouldn’t be all alone for the holidays and the rest is history.  We stayed with me for a while, we took a couple of trips here and there, Scotland being one of them.

But old flames become old flames at some point, and we lost touch.  I remember him randomly phoning me on New Year’s Eve about a year after we split and left a hilarious message, but I didn’t know where he was or how to get a hold of him anymore, and I haven’t heard from him since.

I’m sure he’s having a blast somewhere in the wide world; always up for an adventure was our Gav!  I’d love to hear from him again and find out what he’s been doing all these years.  Did he ever get married?  Did he keep traveling?  Did he go back to Uganda again?  Where are you Gav?

1998 Scotland Trip Recap #1

Without even reading over my journal again I can tell you that my favourite place from the entire Scottish trip back in 1998 was Skye.  Absolutely it was Skye.

I fell in love with Dunvegan, and I loved how all the road signs had Gaelic as well as English on them, helped me figure out the pronounciation!

But it was just exactly what I had thought Scotland would be – remote, beautiful, misty, soggy, and full of friendly folks.  We hiked up all sorts of random places, got soaked of course, got misted in at the top and had to wait before coming down, went to beaches, lighthouses, silversmiths, and through it all got to stay with Gavin’s Dad at a friend’s wee little cottage in the middle of nowhere.  Perfection!  I think it even got the warmest it ever was in the whole trip while we were on Skye.

I ordered my kilt at a shop in Dunvegan, Gav’s dad set it up for me while we were out and about, and I remember when it arrived at home weeks later it even smelled like Skye!  Ah, so dreamy!

I remember we met a couple of neat folks on the ferry back too, can’t remember their names but the lady was really sweet, I remember really liking her.  I’m sure time has plucked out the stuff I didn’t like and left the good bits for me to remember the most, but it doesn’t matter – I’m happy!

Yes indeed, Skye was my highlight for sure.

Oh No! My Kilt Doesn’t Fit Anymore!

Alas, the day has come when my kilt no longer fits.  *Big Sigh*

Granted, I did buy it quite a long time ago, back in 1998 when I came to Scotland for the first time.  I was with my old flame Gavin and we were visiting his Dad on Skye, and while we were out hiking (and almost killing ourselves I might add, nearly sliding down a huge cliff) his Dad spoke with the folks at Dunvegan (the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland) and got me sorted with a beautiful MacGregor kilt.

Being young I bought the short version, partly because I thought it looked prettier and partly because I couldn’t afford to get the longer version!  It’s too bad really, but such is life.

I can actually still get in it, but it has to ride waaaay up on my waist – I have a very short torso so this looks very Erkel-ish – and I have to use the last settings on each of the buckles.  And remember how I said it was short?  Well, now that it’s way up high on my waist that also means it’s way up high on my legs!  Certainly not appropriate for a Real Lady!

So I’m wondering if perhaps I should get one from Highland Titles, have a change of tartan?  Of course I feel very partial to my MacGregor, I’m not sure if I want to change over, but I’ll scope out what’s available now that I’ve got my new title of Lady of Glencoe.

What do you think I should do?  Opinions?

What If There Are Trees?

I was daydreaming the other day about camping out on my land that I bought in Glencoe Wood and I suddenly realized that it might not be so easy as I thought – what if there are trees packed in there with no space to lie down!?!

Don’t get me wrong, having trees on my plot would be awesome, especially if they are big old ones!  I suppose I could bring a hammock just in case?  Sleep curled up in a ball, hedgehog style (are there hedgehogs in Scotland?) ?  Not sleep at all?  Who knows!  It’s fun to daydream about going there, and hopefully I actually will go sooner than later.

I promised my good friend Mark who lives in Ireland that I would come and visit him before we turned 50, so I’ve only got 12 years left!  I was thinking it might be this year, but then his job moved him to Portland Oregon for a couple years so now he’s going to come visit me instead, and no point in going all the way over the ocean if he’s not there, it would be much better if we could wrap all visits together.

Guess I’ll just have to wait a little bit longer….That’s okay, it’ll give me more time to perfect my Gaelic!


Dia Duit = Hello

I know, I know, it’s Irish not Scottish, but I’m still excited that I’m learning a new language!

I have to say I’m very impressed with the Rosetta Stone course, it uses lots of pictures and sounds and it never really tells you exactly what you’re saying, it makes you figure it out based on the “theme” of the lesson and it’s totally working for me.

Damian really likes it too, although he gets pretty cheesed off when the spelling of a word doesn’t match what it sounds like at all!  Just based on various books that I’ve read that have a wee bit of Gaelic in them here and there, or characters names sometimes, I think I know a bit more than he does in the way of how some things should be pronounced so that stuff isn’t bothering me at all.  It’s very entertaining to listen to someone else say the lessons out loud, that’s for sure!

Damian is pretty big into etymology so I looked some stuff up and it turns out that Dia also means God in Old Irish, and the way to say Bless You in Scottish Gaelic after someone sneezes is Dia leat!  You see, similarities abound between the two I’m sure!  I’m determined to make the connection!

But all in all I’m enjoying it very much and I’ll hoping that it will help to get the gist of whatever Scottish Gaelic I may encounter in the future.

Chicken Superhero Capes and an Ornery Rooster

I’ve been feeling bad for a couple of my chickens lately, they are losing back feathers to the rooster from whenever he “treads” on their backs while mating. And for some reason, he always chooses the same two girls, Ruby and Amber, one of them most often (Amber), and there is really no way to stop it short of separating everyone.

Amber's Superhero CapeThen all of a sudden Amber got way worse, and I had to take some quick action before she got hurt and whipped up a chicken jacket/saddle for her, and enlisted my sweetie to help hold her while I put it on. It was my first try and to be honest I think it was too big, it didn’t sit flat and it seemed to really bug her and eventually she managed to pull it off. In the meantime though I cranked out version 2 with some modifications, so at the end of the day we did the ole switcheroo and got that one on her instead.

And voila! Right away it fit better and she didn’t fiddle with it trying to get it off again. I’m afraid it might not be wide enough, but so far it seems okay. As you can see it looks a little goofy (she’s the one on the left), but when I sent a photo to my mom she said it looks like she has a Superhero cape – I like that idea way better! Much cooler!

So here’s to our new Superhero – Amber! Come to save the day with her dainty little eggs! Now if only there was something I could do about her practically bald head – a chicken helmet maybe?

As for Sgt. McBluey, he’s reached his full maturity and has suddenly decided that he’s the boss of everything including me – he launched a few sudden attacks on my feet and hands – so I looked up what could be done.  The answer – kick him in the butt, literally!  Not hard of course but the plan was to go into the yard (what he sees as his territory) on the offensive, don’t even wait for him to launch an attack, and give him a swift kick in the rear and chase him down – if he could be caught then hold him down and then he’ll know you’re the boss.

Well, easier said than done!  I did finally manage to deal him a wee kick in the behind but it was harder than I thought it would be, and most of the time was spent me chasing him around.  I never did catch him, but he laid off on the pecking flurries for a while so that seems to do the trick.  He’s tried it again a few times when I’ve let my guard down but he never does do anything major and as long as I’ve got shoes on (of course I would in the chicken yard, gross!) then I’m totally fine.

I wonder if I crowed would he take that as my proclomation of being top of the pecking order?  I’m sure my sweetie would think it was pretty funny if I tried!

Just Cleaned Off My Desk and Guess What I Found…

It’s very unusual, I admit, but somehow there was a small-ish stack of to-do papers on my desk.  And there they sat.  Very odd for me!

So I finally went through them and dealt with them accordingly, and lo and behold I found my Highland Titles package at the very bottom!  How lovely!  It was great to have a look at it all again and remember why I bought myself a plot in the first place.  I feel rejuvenated, reconnected!  I even tried again, unsuccessfully unfortunately, to find a home for the clan map but alas, there is barely any wall space in our 730 sqft home.  *Big Sigh*  Oh well.

Anyways, I was happy to clean off my desk and even happier to discover my package waiting at the bottom!  Yes Highland Titles, you are still on my mind and still on my radar for a visit.  Probably not this year, but next year maybe when my good friend Mark is back in Ireland and we can combine the visit.  A plan is forming…

Just Bought Gaelic Course!

Woohoo!  It’s official – I’m going to learn a new language!

We just bought the Irish course from Rosetta Stone – I know it’s not the same as Scottish Gaelic, but it’s the closest I could get and I figure it must be somewhat similar, enough to get the gist of Scottish anyways.

HUGE gratitude to my wonderful client, Jeff, for randomly giving me an awesome bonus that enabled me to finally buy this course – thank you, thank you!  Or should I say:

Tapadh leat  – that’s in Scottish, say it: TAHpuh LAHT – hey that kinda sounds like “Thanks a lot”!

Or, Go raibh maith agat – that’s in Irish, say it: gurra mah aggut.  Hmm, those don’t look very similar to me…  Oh well, what are you gonna do?

Here’s another that I use all the time and I’m so happy I found it in the Scottish Gaelic:

Mar sin leibh an dràsda (mar shin LEHeev un DRAHStuh) – Ta ta for now!

Aha! There Were Vampires in Scotland!

I never would have thought, but after my last post showing my latest felted creation I decided to do a bit of research on whether or not Vampires were (are?) in Scotland.

Aha!  It’s true!

Here is an historical account:

“Location: Blair Atholl (Perth and Kinross) – Glen Tilt, north of the town
Type: Vampire
Date / Time: Early twentieth century?
Further Comments: Two poachers shacking up in a bothy reported being attacked by a creature that attacked and drank blood from one of them. The pair managed to fight the creature off, and it flew away. The story is very similar to the vampire tale that happened at Fealaar, Aberdeenshire.”

Or I also found a great article about Vampires in Scotland with a bunch of cool topics:

  • MacDracula?
  • The Vampire of Glamis Castle – The Vampire Monk
  • The Baobahn Sith (pronounced Baa’-van-shee), Scotland’s version of it’s own vampire also known as a White Woman
  • and more nifty stories

I love it!  I’m one of those strange folks that think Vampires are interesting, so the fact that some of these legends tie in with my own history is awesome!

My Latest Creation

I remembered that this site was supposed to reflect my passions as well as my quest for all things MacGregor, so here is my latest creation!

Bwahahahahahaha!  He’s so scary!  It was a birthday present for my sister-in-law, Shendah, from one Vampire lover to another, I called him “The Count”.

Are there any vampire legends in Scotland?  Hmmm, I doubt it but you never know!

The CountThe Count Close Up