If you’re thinking of starting your own small business you’ve probably read so many articles that all give the same message – preparation is key!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Virtual Assistant, a Massage Therapist, or a Dance Teacher, you need to put in the work and do your preparation in order to succeed.

In my case I’ve started or helped to start all three of these different business examples, and to be honest once you get down to it the preparation was really not all that different, and the initial preparation at least was much the same from one to the other.

For example, when I started my VA business a couple of years ago I spent a lot of time putting together my business plan, my pricing, creating all of the documents that I would need such as letterheads, invoices, contracts, logos, etc. etc., creating my website, and making a marketing plan to get my company out there.  All my hard work paid off and when my business actually officially started I had everything I needed at my fingertips, ready to go.

Fast forward to earlier this year when my husband decides he’s going to move his massage therapy business, Relief Massage Therapy, to our home.  Again, we spent a lot of time putting together his business plan, creating all of the documents that he would need such as letterheads, invoices, client info sheets, logos, etc. etc., creating his website, and making a marketing plan to get his company out there.

Sound familiar?  Now again, in the past few months I’ve been working on getting my other business, Kesavah BellyDance, up and running, and can you guess what I’ve been doing?  You got it: business plan, pricing, documents, website, marketing plan, etc.

So you see, it really doesn’t matter what kind of business you have, as long as you put in the time and do your preparation you will be starting off on the right foot.