I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Jon Buscall of JontusMedia.

He found me somehow through Twitter, (it does work!), and asked if I’d like to talk with him on his podcast about Virtual Assistants. Of course! How cool!

When the day rolled around I was a bit nervous – it has been a while since I’ve done any public speaking. But, Jon was so easy to talk to, he made it seem like we were just having a chat and he was asking really interesting questions to boot. Beforehand I was concerned that I’d end up having one of those unnatural sales-type voices, or sound just plain stiff, but with Jon’s help that was simply not the case.

So in the end, it was way easier than I thought it would be! Thank you Jon for the opportunity, and I’m looking forward to hearing how it all turned out. This is a perfect example of how if a marketing opportunity comes your way and it sounds a little scary just because you’ve never done it before, you should still go for it!